Infertility: Inability to conceive a child within two years of marriage with successful regular intercourse without use of contraceptives is defined as infertility. Infertility may be primary and secondary. 

Primary infertility is one in which couple had no pregnancy right from the beginning of marriage and secondary infertility is that in which couple has conceived once and then gets problem in having second baby. 

Infertility have different causes in males and females, hormonal changes, lack of good diet, smoking, obesity, dieting, alcohol, stress, diabetes, are general causes in both sexes, in females diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome, vaginal and uterine infection, blockage of tubes, inability to produce ova, cervical incompetence, some mechanical factors like tumors or cancers of ovaries, uterus and vagina, some autoimmune and blood disorders are causes of infertility. 
Infertility: Inability to conceive a child within two years of marriage with successful regular intercourse without use of contraceptives is defined as infertility. Infertility may be primary and secondary.
Courtesy: desiclinic.com, javedch.com

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