Domestic Chemicals & Health Hazards

Always remember that all chemicals are fatal, only their fatal doses vary. I am listing below some domestic chemicals with their health hazards.
  • Sodium Chloride, commonly known as table salt. Excess intake of salts may lead to high blood pressure. If you are already a hypertension patient, minimize the intake of sodium chloride but never stop it. As our body requires a certain level of sodium in our blood. Like high concentration of sodium, very low level of sodium also causes hypertension. If you are a hypertension patient and fond of high-salt too than you can use alternate potassium chloride salt. It is also available in the market as the trade name of 'no-salt'.
  • White processed Sugar: No any animal is as foolish as human being by eating white processed sugar. Other than human being, all other animals fulfill their sugar requirement by eating natural foods. We can avoid this sugar by having a balanced diet including fruits etc. If you are a diabetic patient and using sugar free sweeteners than first check its ingredients. As some sugar free sweeteners have sodium as well. Avoid such sweeteners, especially when you are a hypertension patient as well.
  • Acids & Insecticides: Different types of chemicals and insecticides are being used to clean our toilets and killing insects at kitchen etc. Normally diluted hydrochloric acids are used to clean tiles, commodes etc and concentrated sulfuric acid to open choked drains. Acids and their vapors are very hazardous to our health. Always use rubber hand gloves and mask (or at least cover your face with cloths etc) while using these acids. Never store these acids at your home for next use. Similarly while spraying insecticides at your kitchen, covered all food and crockery items properly. And don't forget to cover your face to avoid any inhalation of vapors.
  • Perfumes and Body Spray: All perfumes are normally alcohol based. Body deodorants vary greatly from brand to brand. A deodorant composition comprising a deodorizing compound chemically reactive with an odor component in the presence of moisture, and a water-absorbing substance, wherein the odor component is a compound having a carbonyl group; the deodorizing compound is at least one selected from the group consisting of monohydric phenols, polyhydric phenols, and derivatives thereof. Deodorant stones which are comparatively safe, non-sticky, non-staining deodorant are composed of Potassium Alum. Save your eyes and throat from vapors of these sprays while using them.
  • Chemically Polluted Vegetables: Farmers spray different types of chemical or insecticides to save their crops. If vegetables are supposed to eat uncooked like salad etc then it must be thoroughly washed with flowing water before cutting. Also rinse washed vegetable items in hot water having some vinegar, which can kill germs etc.
  • Synthetic Vinegar: It is originally diluted acetic acid. Hence if you can afford, avoid using synthetic vinegar and always try to use different natural vinegar instead.

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